June 30, 2010

A thought on Psalms

Psalms 69:20; Mark 14:32-41; JST Mark 14:36-38

The Lord, Jesus Christ, was alone in the very hour He needed His friends the most. in psalms it states, "Reproach hath broken my heart, and I am full of heaviness: and I looked for some to take pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found none."

Further exploration on this shows that this verse prophesies of His time in the Garden of Gethsemane. In Mark, it states, "My soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death...." I thought for a long time that this statement was because He was about to perform the Atonement. Well, it was partly that, but in JST Mark, we read: "And the disciples began to be sore amazed, and to be very heavy, and to complain in their hearts, wondering if this be the Messiah." The Savior not only was about to perform the most difficult task He, or anyone would ever perform, He had little support from those whom should have been His closest friends. Because of this, He states, at least in part, that His soul is "Exceeding sorrowful, Even unto death." Then He asks them to watch with Him, but they do not and thus the Lord, "Looked for some...to comfort, but... found none."

Two applications from this:
(1) When I am in need, the Lord "will not leave [me] comfortless; [He] will come to [me]" (John 14:18), because He knows complete despair and wants nobody to go through it. Like it says in D&C 19:16 - "For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent."
(2) When another is in despair, I can be one who does not leave him/her comfortless.

It is no wonder that as Christians and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are asked by President Monson to visit the lonely, and attend to the needs of "the one."

June 3, 2010


My headphones broke a couple weeks ago. I have been putting off getting new ones because I just have so many other things to do. Today I was reminded why getting new headphones should be on the top of my to-do list. While studying on the computer in the library I was trying to focus on chemistry when a self proclaimed "wiener" (his words, not mine) started a conversation with the girl across from me on another computer. After an awkward "Do I know you? -eh uh- hum - doo da doo," he went and sat by her (much too her dislike), right across from me. He then decided to try and impress her by blabbering on about the universe and how we don't understand it because of black space matter jibber jabber blabber, while the poor girl cordially nodded her head and tried to make comments to appear to know what in the world this dude was talking about. The conversation got really awkward when he ran out of deep space facts and slowly fizzled out. It is good to see though, that he is using his new found knowledge (that is probably regurgitated from his professor this morning) to good use by boring the life out of a poor unsuspecting girl. Amazingly though, he kept the conversation going just long enough to become creepy. Congrats young feller. Anyways, about the time that all around were being sucked into his newly formed black hole of blabber, I signed on to Amazon, quickly placing the order for these bad boys:

I can't wait for my sweet release from the oh too common Date Hunters. Goodbye meaningless distraction, hello sweet world of studying solitude.