I believe see books as pieces of art. Like an art piece, there is always more to the story behind a book. This year marks the 400th anniversary of the King James version of the Bible. To someone without knowledge of the story behind the coming forth of this English version of Holy Scripture, the contents therein may be less than impressive. The biblical history and miracles could seem like no more than a science fiction story of old time. This is why I think it is essential to know the story behind the Bible's English Publication.
This link on has a short clip on church leaders' brief recap of some of the key players involved in the Bible's coming forth to our world today: 400th anniversary
Learning about the sacrifice, pain and stresses many went through to bring forth the Bible to the masses, should insight a few questions to the mind of the learner. "Why did these people feel it so important to translate?" "Why was there so much opposition?" "What is so special about this book?"
I invite anyone who has these same questions to learn more about the Bible and how it contains the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that the Bible is the true word of God, as long as it is translated correctly. I also know that the Book of Mormon is another testimony of Jesus Christ and his Gospel. I invite anyone who finds peace and happiness in the Bible, to see if there is anything in the Book of Mormon that can lift their faith in Christ as well. Visit here to learn more.
Many books have the power to invoke emotion, spark thoughts and cause us to think. These books mentioned, the Bible and the Book of Mormon, have ability to facilitate a relationship with Deity.