While reading in Alma chapter 9, I was impressed with a verse about the savior. It says, "And not many days hence the Son of God shall come in his glory; and his glory shall be the glory of the Only Begotten of the Father, full of grace, equity, and truth, full of patience, mercy and long-suffering, quick to hear the cries of his people and to answer their prayers."
I am always impressed with powerful verses like this about the Savior's character. I keep a little picture of the Savior taped to my computer as a reminder of my covenants and of who He is. The computer is a great place considering there is hardly a day I don't get on my laptop numerous times. I have always viewed the Lord as the great and wonderful person who I hope I can be like someday. He is perfect, and I am not, but I am somehow part of his great organization. I take pride in that. Yet, It is almost as if He is a role model in the popular social world I live in, but nobody can really ever be like or do what he does. He is what we are to measure ourselves to, but often I have found some discouragement in seeing the gap that separates what I am from what He is.
While I read this verse and thought about it and the character of the Savior, I was impressed with something. It was that I define much of who I am by who my friends are. My friends have always played a huge role in the kind of traits I carry, music I listen to, and generally just who I am. I have great friends, but the greatest one is the Savior. I truly feel He is my friend. So, because He is my friend, that shortens that gap I was talking about by just a great margin. Actually it shortens it a lot. A friend is patient, caring, and constantly desiring the best for you. You can't show anyone else what a great friendship you have with a person, it is only known between the two of you. The only way your friend knows how much you care is by reciprocating the same devotion. It is not different in this case. He is the literal best friend I can ever have. Can I ever feel alone when I remember this? I am not defined by my petty accomplishments, mediocre doings, or constant shortcomings. I am measured by my friends. And that is something to chew on.
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